I help teams collaborate
to create the change they seek to make in the world.

I design experiences
that bring people closer to each other and themselves.

I make artwork
that unveils hidden parts of reality.

Blu Marble offered the people of NYC a real-time satellite view of Earth from space; an opportunity to collectively pause and appreciate the planet we share.

Antib0dy Club invented a real-time 3D video conferencing platform enabling artists and communities to socialize intuitively while physically distant.

Liminal Scope is an installation that reveals the phenomena of light in transit as an invitation to meditate on the depth and limitation of human perception.

Reality Rendered is a shifting archetypal landscape designed to incite questions about how we define ourselves and our surroundings.

Liminal Scope is a meditation on how environmental limitations can reveal blind spots in our understanding of reality.

Portal to Flatland is a tunnel of light and sound that guides visitors along a melodic and ecstatic score deeper into their minds and bodies

Light Bridge welcomes members and visitors of NewLab
as they enter the building washed in visual patterns and color

We Speak Music is a film capturing the duet of Reeps One and his AI “vocal twin”, showing the true creative potential when the best of humanity and technology collaborate.

Ecdysis is an immersive audio-visual installation depicting biological and architectural adaptation.